Serve in Your World

As you stay on mission with God, He will develop in you His heart for the nations. He may nudge you to give above your regular offerings, to become a prayer partner with those serving in other places or even to take a detour from your regular path and serve in another culture.
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Christian & Missionary Alliance (C&MA)

The Alliance Gift Catalogue, Defend Dignity and Refugee Sponsorship are just a few of the options available to get involved.

Emmanuel Foundation

Emmanuel Foundation is based in Sherwood Park and exists to serve the developing world through unique and holistic efforts. They have three main arms of service: Playground Projects, Shipping Containers and Community Development Projects.

International Workers

KR & Darlene Paton - Phuket Thailand. Interim pastor of the International Church there. Colette - Africa. Leads a Radio Station, an infant Rescue Centre and a Women’s Cooperative. Danny & Vera Kuranji - Novi Sad, Serbia. Ministering to orphans, refugees, drug addicts and hospice patients.
Become a prayer partner

International Workers Christmas Project

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International Justice Mission (IJM)

International Justice Mission is a global organization which partners with local authorities to rescue victims of violence, bring criminals to justice, restore survivors, and strengthen justice systems.

Operation Christmas Child (OCC)

Please continue to join us in prayer for the children whose lives will be blessed by receiving these shoe boxes.